Looking back…

2016 was a record breaking year for the Robbins Hunter Museum in many respects:

·         We dedicated the Dale and Tina Knobel Folly, a major capital project.

·         The Candlelight Walk brought more than 4,500 visitors.

·         For the first time, we kept the doors open during the last week of December allowing many more visitors to enjoy the magnificent tree exhibition.

Be sure to read the full report in this issue of how 2016 rolled to a close. The results are fascinating!


Looking forward…

After closing for the season on December 30, we have been scurrying around preparing for an even more memorable year. 2017 marks the 175th anniversary of the completion of the Avery-Downer House.  We will be celebrating with some spectacular newsletter features beginning in this issue, special events, and exhibits.  You will not want to miss these:

·         Opening exhibit will be The Mark Twain Nobody Knows: Reading between the Lines, with a curator talk by Dr. Thomas Wortham on April 6 and a book discussion of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on May 3.

·         The addition of “Treasures of the Collection” is a not-to-be-missed exhibition on the second floor, open all season.

·         Granville Garden Day, June 17, will open five private gardens for tours, a Garden Club of America sanctioned flower show in the museum, and a vendor fair in the Jill Griesse Gardens.

·         An art show is in the planning stages for October 7 to coincide with Big Red Weekend at Denison.

·         Once again in October the students at Welsh Hill School will create an invasion of scarecrows, all characters from Mark Twain stories this year.

·         And Christmas will be as festive as ever with the twinkling lights and display of trees.
